Playing Card CSS

Here are some cards in the small size:

s1 h2 c3 d4 s5 h6 c7
h1 c2 d3 s4 h5 c6
c1 d2 s3 h4 c5
d1 s2 h3 c4

Here is a hand of medium sized cards

c04 d03 s02 h01 h05

Here is a hand of two large sized cards

queen-of-hearts ace-of-spades


Find the repo for this demo on github.

Cards blocks are created by creating a div with class “card, where size is either "small”, “medium”, or “large”, and optional “hand” class then adding i-tags with a card synonym class."


<div class="large hand">
  <i class="ace-of-spades">ace-of-spades</i>
  <i class="ten-of-spades">ten-of-spades</i>

Synonyms of card classes are available in these templates:

The four standard suits are defined as plural, singular, and first-initial.

Cards are defined with numbers (leading zero or without), and alternate names.

For example, the Ace of Spades has 38 synonyms!